The TMT Group and the Foreign-relatedLegal Service Group of Wang Jing & GH Law Firm cooperated to providelocalized legal compliance service for the distribution of a domestic Internetcompany’s voice product in six Gulf countries in the Middle East, successfully launchingthe product locally in June 2020. The cross-group cooperation providedprofessional legal document support and suggestions on the following aspects:the relative issues concerning establishing a local company for a voiceproduct, the qualifications and permits required for launching a product, and productrelease’s compliance issues concerning user management, anchors, and customerservice management. The successful launch of the product in the Middle East notonly earned praise from the client but it also marked a significant step forWang Jing & GH towards its goal of “becoming a first-tier foreign-relatedcommercial legal service platform in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”.
With the joining of the Foreign-relatedLegal Service Group set up and headed by Mr. Sam Wong, the Firm’s foundingpartner, and other partners, Wang Jing & GH is equipped with moresophisticated practice areas which better match with its internationalperspectives and strategies. In recent years, the rapid rise of the domesticInternet industry has not only set off a huge industry wave in China but tendedto ride on the east wind of globalization to sweep the world. Only with solidlegal service experience in the Internet industry and rare and comprehensiveforeign-related legal service capability can a law firm manage to help thecompetent domestic Internet enterprises to legally and compliantly expand to countriesaround the world. The cooperation of two Groups of Wang Jing & GH wasundoubtedly successful, which bore a favorable fruit for the client and alsodeepened the cooperation cross Groups in the Firm, assuring everyone in WangJing & GH of the hope of achieving the goal of “becoming a first-tierforeign-related commercial legal service platform in Guangdong-Hong Kong-MacaoGreater Bay Area”.
Guangdong-Hong Kong-MacaoGreater Bay Area has been the main battlefield for the Internet industry allthe time and thus has fostered a great number of excellent enterprises relatedto the Internet. Among them, the enterprises that develop online games, onlinelive broadcast and voice products are the industry leaders with greatindustrial potential and increasing influence. In 2019, Guangdong’s gameindustry revenue exceeded RMB175.5 billion, accounting for 75.6% of China’s gameindustry revenue, and the total output value of Guangdong’s game industry increasedby 84.5% in the five years from 2015 to 2019.
The trend that China’sInternet enterprises “go out” will be inevitable and accelerated. It was a smalltry for Wang Jing & GH to help the Internet enterprises go out this time. Withmore Internet enterprises going out, Wang Jing & GH’s foreign-related legalservice will be more prosperous sooner after.
The TMT Group of WangJing & GH consists of senior Internet associates and paralegals withextensive experience and research in the Internet industry, who provided legalservices for numerous large-scale Internet companies, entrepreneurial Internetcompanies, etc. The Group is dedicated to providing customized, refined, andcomprehensive legal services for clients. Its service areas include but are notlimited to online games, online live broadcast, Internet finance, Internet advertising,e-commerce, VR and AR applications, IoT, smart new retail, and other sub-segments.The TMT Group is a team with a leading position and solid experience in theaforementioned business areas in Guangdong province, especially the Greater BayArea. The energetic young people led by Senior Partner Jeff Yang and PartnerCeline Zhang have attained a high reputation in the Internet industry and Mr.Yang was invited to domestic Internet industry meetings to deliver a speechmany times. In view of being optimistic about the Internet industry, thebusiness direction of the Group is also one of the business directions that WangJing & GH Law Firm will develop faster in the future. And the Group’sexperience is sufficient to assist more outstanding Internet enterprises in growingbigger and stronger.