Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a broad concept that can take many forms depending on the company and industry. Through CSR programs, philanthropy, and volunteer efforts, businesses can benefit society while boosting their brands. Especially during the COVID-19, there are more and more companies are giving back to the community.
This time, we invited the Sustainable Product Manager Ms. Jophy Zhu from TÜV SÜD, Ms. Eloisa Hu from WANG JING & GH LAW FIRM and Mr. Dee Lee, Director and founder of Inno Community Development Organisation. They will share valuable experiences related to "Effective disclosure of social responsibility information" and legal suggestions in practice. Kindly note: Event language will be in Chinese.
作为一个商业概念,企业社会责任 Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)近年来愈发被全球的企业重视、推崇。在利润之外,如何让企业在社会价值体系中站稳位置、长远受益,成为了企业必须面对的问题。
本次活动, 我们邀请了来自TÜV SÜD 可持续发展产品经理Ms. Jophy Zhu、广悦律师事务所法律顾问Ms. Eloisa Hu,以及广州市映诺公益服务促进会创始人Mr.Dee Lee。三位演讲嘉宾将为我们解读"如何充分有效地进行社会责任信息披露-公益慈善活动篇"及企业社会责任实践中的相关法律建议。
活动日期:8月21日 周五
活动场地:ATLAS Kitchen 寰图厨房(雅居乐中心店)