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Real Estate & Infrastructure

The Real Estate & Construction Group of Wang Jing & GH Law Firm, established and led by director Mr. Sam Wong, his lawyer and senior consultant team, is a professional legal service group with more than 20 experienced legal professionals. The group brings together legal service personnel such as practitioners of well-known real estate enterprises at home and abroad, professional lawyers, and senior project managers with rich practical experience. All the Group members are creative and capable of solving problems from multiple perspectives. The Group has long focused on real estate and construction legal services, with a particular emphasis on providing the whole process legal services for urban renewal projects. So far the Group has handled numerous urban renewal projects in Guangzhou and provided legal services to renowned domestic and foreign real estate enterprises and industrial investor on real estate development, investment and finance, litigation and dispute resolution, in areas including construction projects, cooperative development, industrial parks, sales of housing, leasing, infrastructure, etc. With professional legal services and a sense of business acumen, Real Estate & Construction Group earns high praise for well handling many urban renewal projects.

Scope of Service

Urban Renewal

1)Providing framework design and overall strategy for implementation of urban renewal projects;

2)Assisting parties concerned in signing cooperation framework agreements for urban renewal projects and other relevant legal documents;

3)Assisting clients in developing renewal intention voting schemes for urban renewal and pushing forward the adoption of the schemes;

4)Assisting in developing business promotion plans for urban renewal projects according to law and confirming the lists of business partners and enterprises with cooperation intention;

5)Participating in negotiations between clients and other parties concerned in urban renewal projects;

6)Assisting clients in developing and adopting urban renewal implementation plans, and developing and adopting compensation and resettlement plans;
7)Providing advice on policy and laws and regulations governing urban renewal and providing practice training;

8)Drafting compensation and resettlement agreements and assisting in the signing of agreements;

9)Assisting clients in the distribution and hand over of resettlement houses.

Land Investment

1) Advising on business modes, legal risks and cooperative conditions for land investment;

2) Advising on land requisition, expropriation and compensation for demolition, and designing land use and zoning;

3) Advising on land investment and transactions;

4) Assisting in bid tendering, auction and quotation for assignment of land use right;

5) Assisting in lease of State-owned land;

6) Assisting in assignment of State-owned construction land;

7) Assisting in mortgage of construction land use right;

8) Assisting in lease of construction land use right;

9) Assisting in investment cooperation for construction land use right;

10) Advising on rural collective land use right;

11) Advising on land related issues involving foreign interests.

Real Estate Development

1) Advising on legal structure of project development or cooperative development;

2) Advising on acquisition, assignment and transfer of State-owned land use right;

3) Assisting in establishment, merge and division of real estate enterprises;

4) Advising on legal structure of real estate cooperative development projects;

5) Assisting in pre-sales and sales of real estate units;

6) Assisting in delivery and management of property.

Construction Projects

1) Assisting in construction bidding and tendering;

2) Advising on construction contracts;

3) Advising on design and construction and design agreements;

4) Assisting in cross-border construction;

5) Assisting in construction project settlement;

6) Assisting in construction litigation.

Real Estate M&A

1) Designing transaction plan and legal structure;

2) Legal due diligence;

3) Drafting and modifying transaction documents and participating in negotiations;

4) Handling approval and registration formalities at related governmental departments;

5) Advising on tax issues related to M&A;

Real Estate Investment and Financing

1) Assisting in acquisition and disposal of assets;

2) Assisting in cross-border investment;

3) Assisting in enterprise debt financing;

4) Assisting in real estate leasing;

5) Assisting in real estate litigation;

6) Assisting in restructuring and loans;

7) Advising on tax issues.

Real Estate Funds

1) Advising on private equity funds;

2) Advising on real estate investment trusts (REITs);

3) Advising on hedge funds;

4) Advising on issues related to private equity investors.

Real Estate Tax

1) Providing tax advice and planning on complex real estate transactions;

2) Providing tax legal advice on investment contributed in form of land and real estate;

3) Providing tax planning for launching and exit of real estate projects;

4) Assisting in structure designing and tax planning of land acquisition, property leasing and disposal;

5) Providing tax compliance review of real estate development projects;

6) Providing tax planning and solutions for land value-added tax, business tax, deed tax and enterprise income tax in 

connection with property investment and transactions.

Dispute Resolution

1) Handling arbitration and litigation (including administrative litigation) related to real estate disputes;

2) Forming a legal service team comprising experienced legal professionals to provide specialist legal services;

3) Collecting and sorting out evidence, analyzing issues in dispute, making litigation strategies;

4) Considering and preparing detailed schemes in response to disputed issues;

5) Considering and preparing countermeasures in advance including conducting moot courts;

6) Providing clients with regular case report. 

Regular Legal Counseling Services

1) Answering related legal inquiries and providing legal advice in accordance with law;

2) Issuing legal opinions and lawyer’s letters;

3) Assisting in drafting, formulating, reviewing or modifying legal documents like contracts;

4) Participating in negotiations on related business of clients and providing legal analysis and argument;

5) At clients’ request, communicating knowledge about rule of law, providing legal education and training;

6) Providing information on laws, regulations, rules, normative documents and industry policies related to clients’ business;

7) Providing regular legal newsletters to clients;

8) Providing annual work report to clients.

Value-Added Services

1) Sending in-depth industry analysis articles, interpreting latest policies and regulations and studying novel industry issues to clients via WeChat Official Accounts;

2) Inviting clients to participate in special salons and large forums for free;

3) Keeping a close eye on new policy developments and update clients on latest urban renewal policies and regulations in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area;

4) Keeping a close eye on industry developments and update clients on latest industry information and data;

5) Coordinating industry resources for clients, including accounting firm, tax agent firm, evaluation agent, survey and mapping companies, planning institution, notary public, etc. to provide clients with real estate consulting services covering all industry sectors.

Industrial parks

1)Framing the designing pattern for industrial parks;

2)Engagement into negotiations concerning industrial park project on behalf of entrustee;

3)Providing assistance in the proceedings of transfer of state-owned lands, registration of titles and disposition of vacant lands;

4)Assisting in the preparatory and scrutiny works of project renovation plans;

5)Assisting in the variation of contracts regarding development of real estate and relevant supervising agreements;

6)Assisting in drafting proposals for compensation for expropriation and conclusion of the compensation agreements;
7)Assisting in drafting proposals for heritage conservation;

8)Legal consultancy service and training works for industrial policies (i.e. industrial upgrade) .

High-profiled Cases

Honorary Awards


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